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100-106 First Rd, Berkshire Park NSW 2765
Ph: (02)9711-7254 Mob: 0426 422 981
‘Oku tukupa ‘a e Siasi Uesiliana Tau’ataina ‘o Tongá (Siasí) ke hakeaki’i ‘a e ‘Otuá ko e tu’ukimu’a ‘i he me’a kotoa pe, pea ‘oku fakaivia hono kau memipá ‘e he Laumalie Ma'oni'oní, ke nau fakahaa'i hono ivi fakamo'uí ‘i he lotu, ako mo e ngaahi ngaue tokoni kotoa pe, ke nau a'usia ai 'a e kakato ‘o e mo’uí pea ke ma’u foki ke lahi ‘aupito.
The Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga is committed to truly putting God first so that all people see the power of His Spirit moving in a living church where every person is a valued part of the Body of Christ, assisted through worship, education, and service to experience life in its fullness.

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